Create 3D Objects with Autodesk 123D Make
LaserPro Application Lab is showing you how to make a 3D object by using our laser engraver and 123D Make.
Inlay Necklace
By using the accurate energy control to cut two different kinds of materials, our laser engraver creating inlay effect combines two materials into one to add a name necklace extra personal touch.
Laser Cutting Stencil
GCC LaserPro Application Lab is using paper board to cut all kinds of patterns to make a stencil, making desired patterns o your cup of coffee or waffle.
Big Model
Acrylic is one of the materials commonly used in laser cutting; the edges of laser-cut acrylic become transparent and bright. So the laser-cut acrylic is often used to make displays and store signs, creating high quality products.
Leather Cutting
Leather is an indispensable material to the clothing industry.Due to the progress in technology, more and more leather manufactures use laser engraving equipment for engraving and cutting during the production process, enabling products to have a refreshi
Thin Film Cutting Using CO2 Laser
These films are mostly made of plastics such as PET and PMMA and are widely used in cell phones, displays, cameras, digital cameras, and other electronics.
Carousel Model Application
Using laser to make models is quite a general application. Simply laser-cut pieces of thin materials and then assemble them as a 3D model which is good to be either a demo sample or a gift.